5 Gender Stereotypes that have Completely Reversed


We live in a society that has given certain rules or expectations for the two genders. From the time we are born, we have seen the stereotyping of characters based on one criterion or the other. For example, people consider men as the epitome of strength and coherent vision. On the other hand, they regard women as fickle-minded and weak people.  It was to help people easily understand one another at the time of interaction. Hence, we have grown accustomed to the stereotyping of people. There are certain stereotypes that have changed over time. In this blog post, we would look at the gender stereotypes that have completely reversed over time.

changed gender stereotypes

    1. Pink is for Women: Traditionally, we associate the pink color with women and children. We have trained our eyes to enjoy the beauty of the pink color on the dresses of women or children. If we see men wearing the pink dress, we consider it as inappropriate. With the changing times, this conception is getting changed and men are wearing the pink colors to mark their presence.
      pink for women
    2. Crying Attribute Given to Women: People consider women as the members of the weaker sex. Hence, they expect women to break down and start crying after facing a bad situation. Men are not allowed to cry in front of others. This gender stereotyping is now fast changing as both are humans. Hence, they have emotions.
      crying woman
    3. PMS was not Always to Blame: There is a misconception that women suffer from mood swings during their premenstrual cycles. They tend to become irrational during this period according to the popular beliefs. This is not true. Even men get mood swings occasionally. The researchers have proved this scientifically. Moreover, the mood changes in women are not always associated with the menstrual cycles.not cause
    4. Gay and Lesbian Stereotypes:
      Gays have been portrayed by entertainment channels as hilarious. They love to wear nice clothes and listen to the songs sung by Madonna. Yet they talk about their feelings when they get an opportunity. In the past, people had thought that a gay could prove his manliness only by having sex with another dude.
      gay and lesbian stereo types
    5. Men and Women have Different Places: There were different places assigned to men and women in the past. Accordingly, they got different roles to play at home. As per this stereotype, women had to manage things at home and the men had to handle works outside the house. In the current world, this fine division has become nonexistent and women and men share their work to keep the family going.social roles for men and woem



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