Best and Worst Fast Food Meals You Can Feed Your Children


The American Heart Association has done a lot of research on the food items consumed by children in the present-day world. Based on this update, it has come out with the calorie count that we need to look into while we let our children consume food. Otherwise, it would create health complication in the long run.

food compairson

Research Results by American Heart Association

From the research, it was found that kids aged four to eight should only eat those food items that create between 1200 and 1400 calories a day. On the similar calculation, it was deducted that nine to thirteen-year-olds should not be exceeding 1800 calories while consuming food. So, if you take your child to a fast food chain, then at least you will be able to get the healthier option for him.

Food Consumption

Food Comparison

If you want to make a comparison about the food being served in one of the commonest fast food restaurants Mac Donald makes for the kids, you would get astonished by the difference in the number of calories in contained in foods. The healthiest kids’ meal that this restaurant makes is Chicken McNuggets, apple juice, apple slices and strawberry yogurt. On the worst side, a food combination of a cheeseburger, chocolate milk, fires and a strawberry yogurt would have to be avoided. In general following information would be of some use.

food calorie density

  1. Lowest calorie option: Chicken McNuggets, Apple Juice, Apple Slices, and Low Fat Strawberry Yogurt. These have lower energy and more nutrients to rely upon.
  2. Highest calorie option: Cheeseburger, Chocolate Milk, Kids’ Fries, and Low Fat Strawberry Yogurt are loaded with energy that our body might store as fat. The excess of fat would, in the long run, clog the cardiovascular system, resulting in stroke, sclerosis or heart attack.calorie comparison

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