Cool Microclimate Systems in Nevada Desert

We Indians are under the impression that the amount of heat we are exposed to is unparalleled in this world. Hence, we think that we can survive in any hot climate. This is the viewpoint of people living near the Indian desert. This belief falls flat just like a castle of cards when one goes through a road in Nevada in the United States of America. This state is home to a desert where the temperature soars to over 45 degree Celsius.

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Tale of Most Isolated Foula Island

This is the most isolated and yet inhabited piece of land in the British Isles. It is even remoter than the Shetland Island which has a population of just 30 people. This island is closer to Norway than the capital city of Scotland Edinburg.

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Danushkodi to Get Road Connectivity

Till recently, people found it difficult to go into the ghost town of Dhanushkodi, near Rameshwaram. They have to pay the hefty amount to travel in jeeps that are suitable for the rough terrain in Dhanushkodi. Mostly, the road has a number of humps and gutters, shaking the occupants of the vehicles traveling to the ghost town. Despite this, the number of people flocking this lost town has only increased with time.

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Poovar – Natural Estuary Island and Beach


Poovar is a natural estuary land beach found in the southern tip of Kerala. Being a rare confluence of a lake, river, sea, beach and the land, it is a rare geographical formation in the southern part of India. The beach here is unspoilt as it has not been unexplored by the commercial forces of the tourism industry. This place has serene backwaters surrounding a narrow strip of land. These backwaters slowly open to the sea.

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Agasthyakoodam – Pilgrimage and Trekking Spot


Agasthya Mala is a mountain range that borders the states of Kerala on the eastern side and Tamil Nadu on the western side. The range passes through Kollam and Thiruvanthapuram districts of Kerala and Kanyakumari and Triunelveli districts of Tamil Nadu in India. Its peak is part of the Agasthyamala Biosphere Reserve.

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