15 Facts Girls Need to Know About Boys


The girls after completing the high school go for the co-education in the private or government colleges or both in their quest for knowledge to become independent in life. Sometimes they get distracted because of love and other nuisances that the guys may put before them. Hence, the members of the fairer sex need to know what the boys are up to in their relationships with girls. Continue reading “15 Facts Girls Need to Know About Boys”

10 Things You have to Face when You Look Younger than Your Age


When you look younger than your age, you always become an object of attraction for others. Sometimes, the people’s approach also changes with your appearance. They would cross check whether you are eligible age-wise before letting you avail of the services. This might be the case when you go to a local pub to have drinks with your friends over a weekend. Continue reading “10 Things You have to Face when You Look Younger than Your Age”