10 Surprisingly Interesting Facts About Loneliness

loneliness facts
  1. Loneliness does not depend on how many friends or relationships you have. Instead, it depends entirely on the subjective quality of your relationships with others.
  2. Surprisingly, more than 60% of lonely people are married. When married couples fail to share their deepest feelings, thoughts, and experiences, their lives become disconnected and hence they become lonesome. People in such relationships truly believe their spouse cannot offer them the deep connection they would like to have.
  3. Loneliness distorts our perceptions and hence our relationships. These perceptual distortions force the lonely people to withdraw even further from the very people who could alleviate their sufferings.
  4. Loneliness is contagious in social networks and acts as a social stigma. This is because of the fact that people are able to spot and identify the lonely people around them. One study found that over a six-month period, lonely people were pushed to the periphery of social networks and surprisingly their friends also did the same.
  5. Loneliness actually makes us feel unsafe. This results in people dropping their body temperature out of fear of the unknown. Studies found that recalling a time in which we felt lonely made participants estimate the room temperature as being significant colder.
  6. Loneliness forces the people to remain weak and make them look for the cover. It causes an immediate and severe bodily reaction. It increases the blood pressure and cholesterol level as these are the reactions body would bring out with when it is under attack.
  7. Due to the building of stress and mental pressure, the chronic loneliness significantly increases our risk of cardiovascular disease. Over time, they succumb to the illness due to the cardiovascular system as their bodies are under constant and unrelenting stress.
  8. Loneliness-related stress factors suppress the functioning of our immune system. Due to this reason, our immune systems function less efficiently. This will automatically expose our body to all kinds of illnesses and diseases.
  9. The freshers in the college who felt lonely had poorer reactions to a flu shot. Even a few weeks of loneliness was sufficient to impact the immune systems of incoming college freshman when compared to those who were not lonely.
  10. Loneliness is as dangerous as cigarette smoking. Scientists have concluded that given all the drastic ways in which loneliness impacts our bodies, it represents as great a risk for our long-term health and longevity as smoking cigarettes.


10 Ways to Deal with Toxic People


Have you come across toxic people whom people in the society desist from meeting for various reasons? For people who are not aware of the term, here is the definition. Toxic people are those who wield negative vibration to others through their deeds and words. Continue reading “10 Ways to Deal with Toxic People”

5 Gender Stereotypes that have Completely Reversed


We live in a society that has given certain rules or expectations for the two genders. From the time we are born, we have seen the stereotyping of characters based on one criterion or the other. For example, people consider men as the epitome of strength and coherent vision. On the other hand, they regard women as fickle-minded and weak people.  It was to help people easily understand one another at the time of interaction. Continue reading “5 Gender Stereotypes that have Completely Reversed”

7 Habits of Highly Stylish People


Have you ever thought about the stylish people and what they have in common? On a closer analysis, you would find the changes that they have brought in their life are more than apparent. Anyone can find out what these changes are and how well they have brought them in their lives to have the desired effect. Some authors have just compiled them for the benefit of readers. Continue reading “7 Habits of Highly Stylish People”

5 Ways to Help People Preserve Precious Memories Forever


At the end of the day, everything in life boils down to your experiences. You will have good experiences and bad experiences. Hence, you are the culmination of the things that you have done and learned, and what you have avoided. That means it is important to keep those memories that you want to cherish in your life. Alternatively, you have learned to negotiate the way to reach the point where you are now. Continue reading “5 Ways to Help People Preserve Precious Memories Forever”