Three Smarter Ways to Add Fruits and Vegetables in Our Diet?


Despite the knowledge that fruits and vegetables tend to keep our health, many people fail to take their right quantity in the food. According to some estimate, less than 30% of the people consume the right combination of food items to keep their body healthy. Instead of eating the naturally available vitamins and minerals, the so-called nutrition-aware people take pills to get these ingredients on doctor’s advice. Continue reading “Three Smarter Ways to Add Fruits and Vegetables in Our Diet?”

5 Gender Stereotypes that have Completely Reversed


We live in a society that has given certain rules or expectations for the two genders. From the time we are born, we have seen the stereotyping of characters based on one criterion or the other. For example, people consider men as the epitome of strength and coherent vision. On the other hand, they regard women as fickle-minded and weak people.  It was to help people easily understand one another at the time of interaction. Continue reading “5 Gender Stereotypes that have Completely Reversed”

10 Things that Happen to Children at the Time of Examination


The students always want to stay carefree without worrying about anything. This mentality comes at stake during the examination time. That is the time their commitment would be put to test by the academic staff.  They get all the apprehensions and become stressed up. Therefore, they show odd behaviors to gain the sympathy of the parents and teachers. That is the reason some state governments have opened the help-line for counseling the students who are undergoing these tests. Continue reading “10 Things that Happen to Children at the Time of Examination”